Working on masculinities


Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice that affects millions of girls and women around the world. However, FGM is a practice rooted in a patriarchal societal construct. Although the practice is often perpetrated by women, it is important to stress that men have a crucial role to play in its elimination. Some time ago a major thematic discussion on men’s involvement in ending FGM was debated at the COP FGM (see article here)

Here are some reasons why men’s involvement in ending the practice is very important:

  1. Men are often the decision-makers: In many communities, men are the ones who make decisions about FGM. Their involvement is therefore essential to raise awareness about the negative impact of the practice on women’s health and well-being.
  2. Men can be partners: Men can be valuable allies in the fight against FGM. They can play a supportive role for women and girls who seek to avoid the practice, and can help change the social norms that perpetuate it.
  3. Men can be role models: Men can be positive role models for young boys and men, showing that violence against women because they are women is unacceptable and that women have the right to bodily autonomy.
  4. Men can help change social norms: The social norms that perpetuate FGM are often deeply rooted in communities. Men can help change these norms by raising awareness among other men and by working with women to promote positive alternatives.

Finally, the elimination of FGM requires the active participation of all community members, including men. By working together, we can end this harmful practice and enable women and girls to live in safety and dignity.

Involving men therefore requires working with men first: working on masculinities.

Working on masculinities therefore involves challenging traditional social and gender norms related to masculinity and encouraging men and boys to adopt healthier and more respectful attitudes and behaviours.

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Manual on how to involve men and boys in ending FGM

MEN INVOLVEMENT WITH A GENDER TRANSFORMATIVE APPROACH TO END FGM Manual on how to involve men and boys in ending FGM   Is female genital mutilation a women-only issue? How do we tackle and combat female genital mutilation? What does a gender transformative...

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