Practical sheet on the implementation of the CGT method

Practical sheet on the implementation of the Community Gender Transformative method

In 2023, the Community of Practice focuses on how to work with men to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and create a society free of all negative social norms that affect girls and women, such as FGM.

The COP organized a training webinar on the Community Gender Transformative Approach (CGTA) as a means to promote the involvement of men in the fight against FGM.

The objective of this webinar was to introduce the methodology of the CGTA, and allow participants to gain an in-depth understanding of this approach and how it promotes the involvement of men in the fight against GBV /FGM.

CGTA is much more than just a one-off intervention – it is a profound transformation process that requires the commitment and cooperation of all members of the community.


The Community Gender Transformative Approach (CGTA) is a strategic approach that aims to combat gender inequalities by working directly with communities. Founded on principles of inclusion, participation and empowerment, The Approach seeks to empower individuals and create lasting changes to social norms and power structures leading to harmful consequences such as FGM


Manual on how to involve men and boys in ending FGM

MEN INVOLVEMENT WITH A GENDER TRANSFORMATIVE APPROACH TO END FGM Manual on how to involve men and boys in ending FGM   Is female genital mutilation a women-only issue? How do we tackle and combat female genital mutilation? What does a gender transformative...

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