Practical Sheet on the Community gender Transformative Approach (CGTA): a tool for Promoting Gender Equality


Gender equality remains a crucial goal around the world, but achieving it requires innovative, practical approaches driven by the communities concerned themselves, for a more sustainable impact. The Community Gender Transformative Approach (CGTA) Practical Sheet has emerged as an essential tool for changemakers, community organizations and all those committed to promoting a more equitable society.

What does this Practical sheet offer?

The CGTA Practical Sheet is a detailed and accessible guide to help actors navigate through the fundamental principles of this innovative approach. Here’s an overview of the essential propositions it offers:

  • Deep Understanding of CGTA

This practical fact sheet details the key concepts and foundations of CGTA, offering a deep understanding of this community gender-transformative approach. It explores gender dynamics, highlighting inequalities and offering insights into how to address them.

  • How CGTA works in practice

CGTA is not just a theory, but a practical method for catalysing change. This Practical sheet offers concrete strategies and tested tools for implementing CGTA in a variety of community contexts. It explores case studies, highlighting inspiring successes and lessons learned.

  • 11 steps to implementing the Community Gender Transformative Approach (CGTA)

This practical resource offers advice on how to integrate CGTA into existing projects, facilitating the alignment of efforts with gender objectives. It offers recommendations on how to adapt the approach to the specific needs of each community.

How to appropriate this practical Sheet in the field?

Successful appropriation of the CGTA Factsheet requires a proactive and inclusive approach. Here are some essential steps for taking ownership of this resource in the field:

  1. Training sessions

Organize interactive training sessions for stakeholders involved in gender initiatives. These sessions can be led by experts or facilitators trained in CGTA.

  1. Flexible to various contexts

The factsheet is designed to be adaptable. Stakeholders can customize the information according to cultural and community specificities, ensuring maximum relevance.

  1. Integration into existing projects

Organizations and community groups can integrate CGTA principles into existing programs as it synergizes with existing ending female genital mutilation programs, and synergies with other gender initiatives.

  1. Experience sharing

Encourage the sharing of experiences between different communities and organizations. Feedback improves collective understanding of CGTA and stimulates continuous innovation.

In conclusion, the strengths of this approach lie in the fact that: Before starting the CGTA process, it is essential to understand the target community (married men, unmarried young men, married women, unmarried young women), identify specific gender issues and form a competent team to organize dialogue sessions with the community to sensitize, educate and engage members in discussions on gender equality. This is the way to achieve real gender-transformative change in the community, by working with public authorities to implement actions and initiatives that challenge gender norms and behaviours.


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