Manual on how to involve men and boys in ending FGM


Is female genital mutilation a women-only issue?

How do we tackle and combat female genital mutilation?

What does a gender transformative approach mean in concrete terms?


AIDOS and GAMS Belgium are answering these questions with the publication of a short guide (in English and French) on how to involve men and boys in ending female genital mutilation.


Why involving men?

Gender-based violence is a structural phenomenon rooted in unequal power relations between the sexes. However, the paradox is that men are rarely involved in projects to tackle gender-based violence, even though they are the perpetrators themselves. When it comes to female genital mutilation (FGM), the challenge is even more daunting. In fact, they are often (but not always!) carried out by women and, as a result, men were not involved in the early projects that addressed the contrast with the practice. Women, on the other hand, can challenge their position and privileges to contribute to change and the abandonment of FGM.


Gender Transformative Approach: how to Involve Men and Boys?

This process can be encouraged in various ways:

– Deconstructing gender stereotypes, particularly among young people in formal and informal educational settings.

– Organise workshops for adults on toxic masculinity.

– Involving men and boys at all levels: individual, interpersonal, community and systemic.

– Address the issue of FGM within institutions and society as a whole.


Everyone involved in the fight against FGM can contribute to ending the practice. Organisations working on this issue can play a key role in engaging men in a meaningful way. This guide offers some practical advice on how to design and run projects to involve men and boys in the fight against FGM.