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Nigeria: Trying to integrate FGM into the media
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM Nigeria: Trying to integrate FGM into the media Nigeria lacks media engagement on Female Genital Mutilation and journalists have little interest in the subject, resulting in few opportunities for affected girls and women to testify in the...
In Somaliland: Integrating FGM in economic empowerment projects
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM In Somaliland: Integrating FGM in economic empowerment projects ISF is a human rights NGO created in 1970. Based in Finland, ISF works in Kenya, Somaliland and Nicaragua through local CSOs and builds long-term partnerships with them to...
In Sudan: Integrating FGM at the Governmental and Institutional Level
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM In Sudan: Integrating FGM at the Governmental and Institutional Level The National Council for Child Welfare (NCCW) is a platform bringing together representatives of several Sudanese government ministries. Created in 1991 as a national...
In Ireland: Integrating FGM into religious discourse
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM In Ireland: Integrating FGM into religious discourse Religious leaders are highly respected within their communities in Ireland andare therefore able to influence behaviours and the adoption of social norms within these groups. Taking this...
Spain: Integrating FGM into sex education programs
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM Spain: Integrating FGM into sex education programs UNAF has set up workshops dedicated to migrant women. Over a period of 3 hours, the speakers work on the theme of sexuality according to a holistic approach and promoting a participatory...
Example II: Burkina Faso: integrating FGM into family planning programs
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM Example II: Burkina Faso: integrating FGM into family planning programs In the Tougan district of Burkina Faso, a promising programme has emerged under the aegis of the Ministry of Health and UNFPA. This project, which has now been extended...
Example I : Belgium – Involving general practitioners
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM Example I : Belgium - Involving general practitioners The work of Dr. Athena Patoulidis on the management of Femal Genital Mutilation by general practitioners (GPs) in Belgium highlighted several obstacles to the investment of practitioners...
How to mainstream FGM ?
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM How to mainstream FGM ? At the conference on the systematic integration of FGM held in Paris in November 2018 by the CoP-MGF, two panels were devoted to sharing good practices in the mainstreaming of FGM in different sectors. In general,...
What is the mainstreaming of FGM ?
MAINSTREAMING OF FGM What is the mainstreaming of FGM ? Mainstreaming FGM means addressing FGM in broader programmes such as sexual and reproductive health and rights, gender-based violence, human rights and women’s rights, as well as in different sectors –...