A bilingual community of practice building bridges between professionals from Africa and Europe aiming to put an end to Female Genital Mutilation


The Community of practice on Female Genital Mutilation (CoP FGM) is an international, bilingual (French/English) network, gathering professionals and activists working on female genital mutilation. The CoP FGM aims to put an end to FGM and promote women and girls’ well-being and human rights.


Become a member

You work on Female Genital Mutilation? Join the community of practice and broaden your horizons!





The Thematic Discussions of the CoP FGM

The thematic discussions, launched every 2 months, encourage knowledge sharing and good practice between the CoP FGM’s members. The discussions are held in both English and in French on the CoP internal Google group. The member’s contributions are translated by the moderators so that everyone can understand. 


As any other form of Gender-Based Violence, FGM is closely tied to power relations between men and women. It is a manifestation of gender inequality and as such it needs to be addressed.

This is why experts are stressing the need for programmes that aim to inform and sensitize communities about the negative impacts of FGM, and to eliminate the practice in the long run, to incorporate gender transformative approaches.

Media & FGM

Media refers to different means of distributing and making information accessible to a larger group of persons and includes traditional media such as radio, tv and newspapers in addition to more recent tools such as blogs, vlogs and podcasts. Media tools can be produced by trained journalists but they can also be the fruit of the work of activists, professionals or other citizens. 

This thematic discussion will explore different media used in FGM prevention and care for FGM survivors. 

Cette discussion thématique explorera les différents médias utilisés dans la prévention des MGF et la prise en charge des survivants des MGF.

Law & FGM

FGM is a complex issue deeply embedded in the societies where it is practiced. While criminalization of the practice is generally acknowledged as an important step in the global strategy towards abandonment of FGM, most experts would agree that anti-FGM laws alone cannot solve the problem.

This thematic discussion picks up where we ended when discussing this topic in the summer of 2019.

Where are we at two years later in terms of anti-FGM legislation?


Webinar May 5th

In this webinar the speakers presented their projects and programmes aiming to involve men and boys in the work against...

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Discover the CoP-FGM’s members

Doctors, sociologists, anthropologists, lawyers, scientifics, social workers, psychologists, project managers… Who are the members of the CoP FGM?



The Cop-FGM on facebook

CoP-MGF4 months ago
⏰ The movement to #EndFGM is a race against time to meet the global target by 2️⃣0️⃣3️⃣0️⃣

Progress needs to occur 27 times faster. We need to intensify efforts to #EndFGM220

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