education & fgm
- The Commonwealth (2021), Female Genital Mutilation: The Role of Education, Access Here
- Suzanne O’Connell (2020),FGM: The safeguarding responsibilities facing schools and teachers, Access Here
- UNICEF| UNGEI (2021), Éducation, autonomisation des filles et éradication desmutilations génitales féminines, Accessible Ici
- COP(2020), L’impact du Covid-19 sur les MGF, Accessible Ici
- UNFPA Somalie (2020), Rapport d’évaluation rapide de la VBG/MGF – dans
le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19 en Somalie. Accessible Ici - ONU (1989), Convention
internationale des droits de l’enfant (CIDE) - Journal Officiel Sénat, 2015.
- Headteacher
Magazine (2020), FGM: The safeguarding responsibilities facing schools and
teachers. Access Here - Réseau Inter-agence pour
l’éducation en situations d’urgences (INEE) 2020), 20 ans de l’INEE :
Réalisations et défis de l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence. Accessible Ici - The Commonwealth (2021), Female Genital Mutilation: The Role of Education, Access Here
- Suzanne O’Connell (2020),FGM: The safeguarding responsibilities facing schools and teachers, Access Here
- UNICEF | UNGEI (2021), Girls’ Education, Empowerment, and the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Access Here
- COP(2020), The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on FGM, Access Here
- UNFPA Somalia (2020), GBV/FGM Rapid Assessment Report – in the Context of COVID-19 Pandemic in
Somalia. Access Here - UN (1989), Convention on the Rights of the Child. Access Here
- Headteacher Magazine (2020), FGM: The safeguarding responsibilities facing schools and teachers. Access Here
- Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) (2020), 20 Years of INEE: Achievements and Challenges in Education in Emergencies. Access Here
- UNICET, 2022 International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation press release. Accessible en anglais ici
- UNICEF, Excision et mutilations génitales féminines. Accessible ici
- UNICEF 2021, Gender Transformative Education. Reimagining education for a more just and inclusive world. Accessible en anglais ici.
- FORWARD UK, School Training programme. Accessible en anglais ici
- AIDOS, 2021, Mind the Gap, Step up for Gender Equality. Accessible en anglais ici
- END FGM EUROPEAN NETWORK, 18 educational modules for gender equality. Accessible en anglais ici
- Second Step (2014), Child Protection in Schools: A Four-Part Solution. Accessible ici (anglais)
- Second Step (2014), Child Protection in Schools: A Four-Part Solution. Access Here
Education & FGM online talk report
Education & FGM Education & FGM online talk report On 31 August, the online talk on education & FGM was held. This online talk was an opportunity to deepen and continue the discussions that have been taking place in the COP group on this topic. We...
The systematic integration of a module on FGM in curricula
Education & FGM The systematic integration of a module on FGM in curricula The systematic integration of a module on FGM into school education programmes and the training of national education professionals. Education has an essential role to play in...
The role of schools in protecting girls from FGM
Education & FGM The role of schools in protecting girls from FGM According to the latest available data, in 2020, the risk of genital mutilation, in particular, has been increased by, among other things, the numerous school closures. Indeed, while school...
Preventing FGM at school
Education & FGM Preventing FGM at school The French saying : ‘Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir’, which is literally translated as prevention is better than cure, is even more relevant in the case of FGM due to the damage it causes, some going beyond possible...