Masculinities: what is it all about?

MALE INVOLVEMENT IN ENDING FGM Masculinities: what is it all about?   Masculinities refer to the diversity of male behaviours, attitudes and identities that exist in our society. They include traits traditionally associated with masculinity, such as physical strength,...

Working on masculinities

MALE INVOLVEMENT IN ENDING FGM Working on masculinities   Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a practice that affects millions of girls and women around the world. However, FGM is a practice rooted in a patriarchal societal construct. Although the practice is often...

Research studies on Male Involvement in Ending FGM

Male Involvement Research studies on Male Involvement in Ending FGM   During the discussion on Male Involvement in Ending FGM, members of the community of practice shared some research studies that was previously done  to answer the following questions:  What do...

Working with Men to End FGM

Male Involvement Working with Men to End FGM   Over the years, the involvement of men to end Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has taken various forms in different communities. Organisations across the globe have used varying strategies to engage men in the fight...

Limitations to engaging men in Anti-FGM Campaigns

Male Involvement Limitations to engaging men in Anti-FGM Campaigns   While engaging men in the work to end FGM has been put forward as an important step in eradicating the practice, it is not a silver bullet. Several shortcomings and critiques of this strategy...

Towards gender transformative programmes

Male Involvement Towards gender transformative programmes   Because FGM is closely linked to gender inequality, UNICEF calls for gender transformative approaches to tackle the practice: “Gender transformative programming aspires to tackle root causes of gender...