FGM in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts
- AIDOS, END FGM EU Network, GAMS Belgium (2020), Preventing and Responding to Female Genital Mutilation in Emergency and Humanitarian Context – Results from the Virtual International Stakeholder Dialogue (full report). Access here
- 28 Too Many (2014), The impact of emergency situations on Female Genital Mutilation – Briefing Paper
- Coalition for Adolescent Girls (2012), Missing the Emergency: Shifting the Paradigm for Relief to Adolescent Girls
- DFID (2013), Violence against Women and Girls in Humanitarian Emergencies – CHASE Briefing Paper
- End FGM European Network (2018), FGM in a Humanitarian Context Briefing
- EU Observer (25 Sept. 2017), Syrians find troubled homes in Egypt by Nikolaj Nielsen
- International Rescue Committee (2019), Where is the money? How the humanitarian system is failing in its commitments to end violence against women and girls, p. 10.
- Munala (2003), Combating FGM in Kenya’s Refugee Camps
- Orchid Project, 2020, Policy briefing: Impacts of COVID-19 on female genital cutting (FGC)
- Save the Children, Physical Violence and Other Harmful Practices in Humanitarian Situations
- ONU Femmes (2020), COVID-19 and ending violence against women and girls Mutilation
- UNFPA and UNICEF, 2020, COVID-19 Disrupting SDG 5.3: Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation. Access here
Good practices from the field
FGM in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts Good practices from the field During the stakeholder dialogue, experts identified a series of good practices of how to improve prevention and care of Female Genital Mutilation and other types of GBV in humanitarian and...
Key recommendations
FGM in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts Key recommendations After having identified the challenges they face, the participants in the Virtual International Stakeholders Dialogue (October-November 2020) produced key recommendations on how to better address...
Challenges faced by actors during crises
FGM in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts Challenges faced by actors during crises Participants of the stakeholder dialogue on Female Genital Mutilation in humanitarian and crisis contexts identified the challenges they face when implementing FGM prevention...
Emergencies increase the risk of FGM
FGM in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts Emergencies increase the risk of FGM During the 2020 stakeholder dialogue on Female Genital Mutilation in humanitarian & crisis contexts, participants from 31 countries shared information from their field-work or...