Meet Rugiatu Turay

 “Our method has met little resistance in Sierra Leone”   RUGIATU NENEH TURAY, DIRECTOR OF AMAZONIAN INITIATIVE MOVEMENT Rugiatu was an expert in the discussion on Conversion of traditional cutters as a strategy to end FGM. She shared her experience...

Difficulties in working with traditional cutters

Reconversion d’exciseuses Difficulties in working with traditional cutters   Identifying the traditional FGM practitioners Members shared the difficulties they have encountered when working with the people who practice FGM and engaging them in the work against...

Positive experiences of the strategy

Conversion of cutters Positive experiences of the strategy   Our expert for this discussion, Rugiatu Turay, is the founder and director of Amazonian Initiative Movement (AIM), a Sierra Leonean grass-roots organization which puts the traditional cutters at the...