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Between October and November 2020, 76 experts from 44 organizations in 31 countries and 5 world regions gathered online to participate in multiple virtual stakeholder dialogue sessions in the run-up to the FGM Donors Working Group meeting on 16-17 November 2020. The online discussions focused on “Preventing and Responding to Female Genital Mutilation in Emergency and Humanitarian Contexts” with the explicit aim of providing a concrete set of recommendations for donors and key actors in the field.

Context of the dialogue

The dialogue was organized by AIDOS, GAMS Belgium and the End FGM European Network within the framework of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on FGM supported project “Building Bridges between Africa and Europe to tackle FGM”, of which this Community of Practice on FGM (CoP FGM) is part. 

The results

At the end of the series of stakeholder meetings, a report gathering the results from the International Dialogue was produced and the Webinar “Leaving No One Behind: Target 5.3 in Emergencies” was held November 12th, 2020 to present conclusions and recommendations. You will find the report, a shorter executive summary, as well as the webinar recording and summary in the links below. 

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