International day of zero tolerance against FGM : CoP voices of change

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On the International day of zero tolerance against Female Genital Mutilation (February 6th, 2021), the Community of Practice on FGM shared videos with six committed activists, members of the CoP. Their voices resonated on Twitter and Facebook, together with those of other activists and professionals all over the world participating in the international day. They called for an end to FGM, better holistic care for survivors and an end to stigmatization of affected communities. They also focused on the need for protection of potential victims and an education without FGM for all girls and boys.

Don’t hesitate to watch these videos and to reshare them on social media ! 

We don’t have a minute to loose !

“Female genital cutting hasn’t stopped. Women who underwent FGM experience gynaecological, psychological and physical pain, and suffer in their identity. I request a better education for children without the knife! It is time to stop mutilating because FGM kills.”

Samia Youssouf, community educator and local office coordinator at GAMS Belgium

FGM is often experienced as a traumatic event

“Although each survivor reacts differently, FGM can cause significant immediate psychological suffering and also lead to significant long-term consequences for the survivors. That is why I am asking that every FGM survivor gets access to holistic care, including mental health care”.

Cynthia Umurungi moderator of the CoP on FGM

Covid-19 recovery efforts have to prioritise FGM

“Female Genital Mutilation limit women’s participation and access to social, economic and political opportunities. In many countries in Africa where FGM is practiced, it is strongly linked to forced and early marriages. We must address both these harmful practices, including within the Covid reconstruction work ! ”

Eva Komba Gender governance and development specialist

Time for a national action plan in Canada

“FGM can have a major impact on the body, mind and spirit. In particular it can have a major impact in our psychosexual functioning. I ask the Canadian government to create a national action plan to protect potential victims of the practice and to support survivors.”

Farzana Doctor, writer and activist

We can’t get enough of Isatou’s Zero tolerance message

“Someone we may never hear about is one of the 3 million girls at risk of undergoing FGM. I call on you to take actions today, to protect girls and women in your community against the blade, protect them against the knive. Create a conducive environment for them to live fulfilled lives.”   

Isatou Jallow, moderator of the CoP on FGM


“We want every survivor of FGM to be able to live a healthy and stigma-free life”

“For FGM survivors who migrated to countries where FGM is not customary, are added to the physical and psychological consequences of the practice, a stigmatization, a re-victimization and the weight of stereotypes on the communities affected by FGM.”

Stéphanie Florquin, Coordinator of CoP on FGM, GAMS Belgium