Call for M&E consultancy

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The CoP FGM is recruiting a consultant to evaluate the project

The Community of Practice ( on FGM was first launched in February 2017. After 4 years of implementing the Community of Practice, GAMS Belgium wishes to evaluate the impact of the project and is therefore issuing the present call for consultancy.


To evaluate the effectiveness and the impact of the Community of Practice in terms of:

  • reaching its objectives, including gaining new members, creating bridges between stakeholders from different sectors, language groups and countries, creating successful spaces for constructive reflexion.
  • it’s role as a stakeholder of the broader international “anti-FGM sector”, contributing to the knowledge-creation, reflexions and learning of other stakeholders.
  • the individual and collective learning & knowledge-exchange that it enables (whether members gain better knowledge of FGM prevention and care, reflect on their own practice and gain tools to improve their work).
  • the potential of the CoP of contributing to improved programming and policy responses around FGM.
  • its communication strategy (website, social media, mailings).
  • its management in regards to the resources employed
Please find all information in the document below. Extended deadline to submit your proposal: June 25th 2021.