The thematic discussions, launched every other month, aim to favor knowledge and the sharing of good practice between the CoP FGM members. They are held in both in French and in English on the CoP internal Google group. 

Desk research is conducted on the selected topic by CoP moderators. Information and resources are gathered from various sources such as publications by NGOs, international and national organizations, academic literature as well as interviews with key stakeholders. A summary of the desk research is shared together with questions for discussion withthe  members (on the internal group) and made available for a larger audience through social media and the CoP website.

Experts on the topic are invited to participate in every discussion. Their role is to actively support the debate, answer member’s questions and participate in the sharing of knowledge by bringing their expertise to the topic.

The collective knowledge generated by the thematic discussions is summarized on the website under this section. You can also propose a topic for discussion by emailing the moderators



Currently discussed topic

The intersection of climate change and fgm

Climate change exacerbates gender inequalities, disproportionately impacting women and girls through heightened risks of gender-based violence, harmful practices like FGM, and other forms of exploitation. Extreme weather events and rising poverty often pressure families in practicing communities to marry off daughters, with FGM seen as a prerequisite. Despite growing recognition by organizations like UNICEF and UNFPA, the intersection of climate change and FGM remains underexplored.

This discussion will examine how climate change influences FGM trends, highlight its presence in global debates, and propose actions to protect and empower women and girls in vulnerable communities.