Psycho Sexual Health
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Overview of therapeutic services
Psycho Sexual Health Overview of therapeutic services Holistic care: an overview of current solutions WHO (2018) and therapists working with FGM survivors (GAMS Belgium, 2020; Coho C. et al., 2016) agree on the need to adopt a holistic approach addressing both...
Influence of social norms and migration on the well-being of persons with FGM
Psycho Sexual Health Influence of social norms and migration on the well-being of persons with FGM Most of the currently available studies on psychological and sexual consequences of FGM have been led in Europe and North America on migrant women concerned by...
Therapeutic support and FGM : Current issues
Psycho Sexual Health Therapeutic support and FGM : Current issues Lack of reliable studies There is very little research focusing specifically on FGM and mental health, and there are even less in developing countries. Most research was done on migrant girls and...
Mutual enhancement of physical, sexual and psychological complications
Psycho Sexual Health Mutual enhancement of physical, sexual and psychological complications Physical, sexual, social complications due to FGM can also impact women’s psychological well-being. The more the type of FGM is serious the more the complications can be...