Campaign CoP Voices against FGM

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CoP Voices against FGM

On October 11th 2020 the world commemorates International Day of The Girl on the theme “My Voice, Our Equal Future”.

We seize this opportunity to renew our commitment as a community to provide a space where everyone who advocates for the rights, protection and wellbeing of girls affected by Female Genital Mutilation can share their experiences and information in order to improve prevention and care. All members of the Community of Practice on FGM share the commitment for a world where girls are free from this practice, as well as all other types of gender-based violence and harmful practices that hinder their empowerment, well-being and health.

We are proud to launch the Campaign “CoP Voices against FGM” today on social media to garner the experiences of our diverse members who are contributing to anti-Female Genital Mutilation policy and programming in their communities and respective fields.

We will be sharing 3 members each week until November 25th.

Follow us on social media for updates on the campaign: Twitter & Facebook and join the campaign using #CoPVoicesAgainstFGM.

